Clash of Clans review

Clash of Clans is a strategy game released by Supercell in 2012. It is a freemium game, meaning that it is free to download, but some features are behind a paywall. Clash of Clans was developed by Supercell and was released on August 2, 2012. Clash of Clans is a strategy game where players build a community, train troops, and attack other players' villages in order to destroy their resources, which include buildings like barracks, gold mines, elixir collectors and dark elixir drills. Players use their resources to build defenses and train troops. They can train troops, such as barbarians, goblins, giants, archers, and wizards, or use them to attack other villages. When a player attacks another player, they get loot like gold, elixir, and dark elixir. If they destroy a village, they get a gem. This gem is used to build a trophy room to show off their trophies. There are also heroes called heroes with special abilities, like healers, miners, and scientists.


Clash of Clans is a strategy game where players build a community, train troops, and attack other players' villages in order to destroy their resources, which include buildings like barracks, gold mines, elixir collectors and dark elixir drills. Players use their resources to build defenses and train troops. They can train troops, such as barbarians, goblins, giants, archers, and wizards, or use them to attack other villages. When a player attacks another player, they get loot like gold, elixir, and dark elixir. If they destroy a village, they get a gem. This gem is used to build a trophy room to show off their trophies. There are also heroes called heroes with special abilities, like healers, miners, and scientists.

The game is based on building and defending your village from the hordes of enemies that are trying to destroy it.

Clash of Clans is divided into two different modes: the World Map and the Village. The World Map is where you go to battle other players and earn resources and elixir. The Village is where you build your defenses and grow your village. 

In the World Map, the player is required to choose a player to battle and uses their army of Barbarians, Archers, Giants and Wizards to attack their enemy. The player will be able to see the health of the enemy's defenses and the troop capacity of the enemy's Clan Castle. The player will then be able to select the type of troops they want to use to attack the enemy. If they are attacking a village with a Town Hall, they can also choose how many troops they want to use.

When a player attacks, they will see the battle progress. This progress will be shown with little characters who are either attacking the village or defending it. The player will also be able to see the health of the defensive towers.


The graphics in Clash of Clans are bright and colorful. The colors are used in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The game is also made to be a game that is played on a mobile device, so the graphics are not too complicated. 


Clash of Clans is a game that is meant to be played for a long time. This is because it is a strategy game and strategy games are not easy to master. This is also because the game is freemium, meaning that players can keep trying to get the features that are behind the paywall.


Overall, I would rate this game a 10/10. It is a great game that has a lot of replayability and is easy to learn. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes strategy games.


  • The game is a strategy game
  • The game is freemium
  • The game is easy to play
  • The graphics are both attractive and functional
  • The game is engaging
  • The game is replayable


  • The game is freemium
  • The game is not historically accurate
  • The game is not historically accurate
  • The game is freemium
  • The game is not historically accurate
  • The game can be addicting
Clash of Clans Clash of Clans

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