"Final Fantasy" Series: The Best Games Ranked and What Makes Them Stand Out

  • 19-02-2024 |
  • Jane Bricks

Since its inception in 1987, the Final Fantasy series has been a cornerstone of the RPG genre, captivating players with its rich storytelling, memorable characters, and innovative gameplay mechanics. The franchise has experimented with various settings, stories, and systems, producing a diverse catalog of games. This diversity can make ranking the best titles a daunting task, yet certain entries stand out due to their impact on the series, genre, and gaming as a whole. This article delves into the Final Fantasy universe, ranking the best games in the series while highlighting what makes each title distinctly memorable and influential.

5. Final Fantasy IX

Released in 2000 for the PlayStation, Final Fantasy IX was a return to the roots, with a medieval setting and a focus on classic fantasy elements. This title stands out for its compelling storytelling, character development, and beautiful art design. The game's narrative, revolving around themes of identity, war, and love, is brought to life through its vibrant characters, such as the optimistic Zidane and the mysterious Vivi. The Active Time Battle system, paired with the unique ability-learning mechanic from equipable items, offers both strategic depth and accessibility, making it a hit among new and veteran players alike. Final Fantasy IX’s nostalgic appeal and timeless charm have secured its place in the hearts of fans and on this list.

4. Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

Entering the new millennium, Final Fantasy X made its debut on the PlayStation 2 in 2001, marking the franchise's first foray into fully 3D environments and voice acting. Set in the beautiful, albeit a tragic, world of Spira; players follow Tidus and Yuna on a pilgrimage to defeat Sin, a colossal monster terrorizing the world. The game introduced the Conditional Turn-Based Battle system, allowing for more strategic combat planning over the traditional Active Time Battle system. The Sphere Grid leveling system also offered unprecedented flexibility in character development. With its groundbreaking presentation, emotionally charged story, and innovative gameplay, Final Fantasy X established new standards for the series and the RPG genre.

3. Final Fantasy VII

The release of Final Fantasy VII in 1997 marked a monumental shift for the franchise and the gaming industry. Migrating from Nintendo to the PlayStation, this entry introduced gamers to a dark, industrial world, exploring themes of corporate greed, environmentalism, and existentialism. The story of Cloud Strife and his eclectic group of allies fighting against the corrupt Shinra corporation and the enigmatic Sephiroth remains one of gaming's most iconic narratives. The Materia system provided a flexible and innovative approach to character abilities and customization. Coupled with its memorable characters, captivating storyline, and cinematic presentation, Final Fantasy VII not only defined the series but also helped popularize RPGs worldwide.

2. Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VI

On the brink of transitioning to 3D, Final Fantasy VI, released in 1994 for the SNES, delivered one of the most emotionally rich and complex stories in the series. With a vast ensemble cast, each with deep backstories and personal growth, the game explored mature themes unmatched by its predecessors. The world of balance and ruin, coupled with the hauntingly beautiful score by Nobuo Uematsu, set a compelling backdrop for the story's unfolding. The introduction of the Magitek system and the innovative use of the Active Time Battle system added layers of strategy to combat. Final Fantasy VI is praised for its narrative depth, character development, and its bold decision to give almost equal importance to all its characters, cementing its legacy as a pinnacle of storytelling in video games.

1. Final Fantasy Tactics

While the mainline entries often steal the spotlight, Final Fantasy Tactics deserves a place at the pinnacle of the series. Released in 1998 for the PlayStation, this tactical RPG spin-off introduced players to the war-torn world of Ivalice, setting the stage for a deeply engrossing story of political intrigue, betrayal, and the complexities of war. The game's isometric turn-based battles required thoughtful strategy, making combat both challenging and rewarding. The deep customization options allowed for a personalized army of characters, each with their class, abilities, and equipment. With its mature narrative, intricate gameplay mechanics, and the richly detailed world of Ivalice, Final Fantasy Tactics offers a uniquely profound experience that remains unmatched within the franchise.

Final Fantasy Tactics

What Makes Them Stand Out

The Final Fantasy series has always been at the forefront of innovation, with each title introducing new ideas while refining the core elements that fans love. The best games in the series stand out not just for their technological advancements but for their ability to weave complex narratives, create unforgettable characters, and offer engaging gameplay that challenges and entertains. They also share a willingness to explore mature themes and present them in a nuanced and thoughtful manner. From the strategic depth of Final Fantasy Tactics to the emotional journeys of Final Fantasy X, the series has continually set the benchmark for what a great RPG should be.

In conclusion, ranking the best Final Fantasy games is a testament to the series' enduring legacy and its impact on the gaming industry. Each title mentioned has contributed to the franchise in unique ways, pushing the boundaries of storytelling, gameplay, and technological innovation. While this list highlights the standout entries, the true strength of the Final Fantasy series lies in its diversity, with each game offering a distinct experience that resonates with different players. It will no doubt keep captivating the hearts of gamers around the world, proving that the magic of Final Fantasy is timeless.